Unprevented Drug Posioning (Overdose) Deaths in Waterloo Region Since 2018
*Preliminary data Statistics Canada, Office of the Chief Coroner of Ontario, Waterloo Region Police Services, Ontario Drug Policy Research Network
Our Vision
Eliminating drug-related risks and harms by advancing evidence-informed drug policies to improve individual and community health and safety in Waterloo Region.
Our Mission
To facilitate systemic change through community collaboration grounded in evidence, equity, and the expertise of people most affected.
Meet the Team
The Waterloo Region Drug Action Team (WR DAT) was started in 2020 out of the Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council. The team consists of Waterloo region residents with interest, experience, and expertise in resolving a wide range of drug-related issues. Our membership includes direct service staff in shelter and outreach environments, drug policy professionals, academics from all 3 area post-secondary institutions, and persons directly affected by drug-related issues, among others. The WR DAT currently receives no funding, and is entirely volunteer-driven.